High- Court- of Uttarakhand
Requisitions are welcomed from all qualified applicants for the
accompanying posts on contract
foundation :
Law Clerks (Trainee): 04 posts, Fixed Honorarium:
Rs. 20000/- simply contractual for an altered term of one year, Age:
21-26 years as on 10/09/2013,
Qualification: Three-Years- Professional or Five Years Integrated
Degree in Law work a rumored Law College or distinguished University.
Requisition Fee : Rs. 150/-
through postal request or bank draft in favor of Registrar General, High-Court-of-Uttarakhand
at Nainital.
How to Apply: The requisition shape as well as one appropriately
bore witness to duplicate of Certificates and testimonials in regards to on top
of two self tended to envelope (estimate 5"x10") each one deportment
postage stamps worth Rs. 22/- ought to be sent to the Registrar General, High
Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital either by Speed Post, Registered Post with AD
or through Courier at the latest 10/09/2013.